Coming out of Hiding for some NFL Picks

December 21, 2008

So grad school ended up eating more of my time than I could have ever imagined, but my first semester was a wonderful experience and I learned more in three months than I ever thought possible. Check out some of my student work from the semester on Youtube; I covered New York’s Chinatown neighborhood for Election Day and took a look at some of the services offered to residents.

Anyways, moving on to the NFL. It has been a season full of surprises and disappointments, just like any other season, and playoff time is coming near. Halfway through Sunday’s action, here’s what we know:

  • The Titans are the 1 seed in the AFC; the Steelers and Colts are going to the playoffs as well.
  • The Giants and Cardinals both clinched their divisions, and the Panthers likely will soon.

So six of the twelve playoff teams are still yet to be determined. There are plenty of games left to play and a multitude of things can happen. My predictions:


  • Titans and Steelers take 1 and 2 spots and have first-round byes
  • Patriots and Broncos each win their divisions and host first-round games
  • Colts take one wild-card spot
  • There will be a wrestling match between the Jets, Dolphins, Ravens for the last WC spot. Give it to the winner of next week’s Jets-Dolphins game. Call me crazy but I’ll take the Fins.


  • Giants take homefield and Panthers take the 2 spot
  • Vikings and Cardinals host first-round games
  • Falcons take one WC spot
  • Final spot comes down to Eagles (who tied a game) and the Cowboys, I’ll take the Boys

I’ll wait for the official playoff seedings to make my official predictions. Based on the baseball predictions, don’t use my picks in Vegas.